What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation. Hypnotherapy is an alternative healing system. It can be used to quieten the mind, to lower the brain waves, for the client to allow access to the subconscious mind, becoming highly responsive to suggestion and direction. 

Hypnosis can be introduced to recover suppressed memories or to change unwanted behaviour. This is where a positive lasting change can happen. Is a very powerful yet gentle, and very relaxing technique that has been used for thousands of years. 

 "It will create opportunities for positive lasting change and activate the body's natural healing abilities to heal" 

It has been proven to be amazingly effective in combating a number of emotional and behavioural issues. It will create opportunities for positive lasting change and activate the body's natural healing ability to heal oneself.You the client are in control! The client does the work, I help guide and assist my clients through the different stages of relaxation. The deeper the client goes the more likely positive lasting change will take place.You the client will only accept the suggestions that I introduce that are consistent with your own internal values and beliefs. 

People usually seek hypnotherapy due to there being some inner conflict with the conscious mind and unconscious mind, for example; you will be aware consciously of what it is you are wanting  “I want to achieve and do”… and the subconscious mind will influence the mind (because deep down this conscious decision may not be in line with our values and beliefs), therefore, the subconscious sabotaging what it is you are wanting to do consciously, and ultimately being a miss communication and lack of rapport between the conscious mind, and subconscious mind. Therefore not being able to achieve what you are wanting in life, whatever that maybe? 

When a person becomes out of alignment with their conscious and subconscious mind (how we think and feel), this is usually due to outside influences for example; family, friends, education, media, social media and so on. These external influences will then affect our decision-making.

When we are trying to live up to others expectations we can loose sight of the essence of who we are and what we truly want, because we are trying to please others, and in the process neglect our own needs.  This will cause inner conflict as we are no longer listening to our own inner voice, and we start to distrust our own intuition and inner wisdom, loosing touch with who we really are.

In society today we have came to believe that this is "normal".

In my work I use many tools including; Suggestibility tests, Ericksonian Inductions, Dave Elman Induction and Transform State Change.

What can Hypnotherapy do? 

It can help you to reprogramme the current programme you are running on in life that is no longer serving you. We generally live day to day on autopilot. Which means, what you are thinking, feeling and doing, how you behave is based on your patterns, and habits that you practice daily. When we practice habits and patterns over and over, it is then a learned programme that you repeat over and over, that then becomes part of your personality and identity “ this is who am”.When we become consciously aware of our habits and patterns, what we thinking, feeling, and how we are behaving daily, that’s when we are getting closer to interrupting our current programme to start to introduce a new programme. One that is going to be more effective and empowering, contributing to what you want in life. 

What to expect from a Hypnotherapy session  

You will complete a confidential client history form that outlines the areas in your life that you would like the session to focus on. This will also help me to monitor your progress from session to session. Once you have asked any questions you have, you will lie fully clothed on a therapy table, and be invited to fully relax. 

I will introduce relaxing music, suggestion, and relaxation language.

At the end of the session you can discuss any questions you may wish to discus with me. 

"When the mind and body are coherent working together in harmony, that’s when we are in homeostasis and in balance."

Hypnotherapy can help build rapport and communication with the conscious mind and subconscious mind, reconnecting and realigning the mind and body. When the mind and body are coherent working together in harmony, that’s when we are in homeostasis and in balance. From this place, we can maintain a happy and healthy life that greatly enhances our wellbeing. 

How do I know that Hypnotherapy is for me?  

People who feel like they are struggling within themselves and their environment usually find Hypnotherapy at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this information could be the sign that your mind, and body is ready for healing, and to experience growth. 

It is not advised to practice hypnotherapy with individuals who are a danger to themselves or others with certain disorders, to name a few; Multiple Personality, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Hysteria, Epileptic Seizures, acute panic attacks, or have had highly traumatic, or highly repressed issues. 

It is not advised to introduce hypnotherapy if a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

It is also not advised to introduce hypnotherapy to treat life-threatening diseases, as such treatment is "controvercial" and the individual should be encouraged to go along and get an assessment from a medical professional (doctor) before seeking alternative treatments.

Hypnotherapy sessions are recorded.

First Insight Call

If this is something that is calling to you, then I would love to talk to you, for you're FREE  no obligation First Insight Call. We discuss what areas you feel need addressing, and how I can help you move forward. We will discover If we are a good fit to work together, and if I’m the right Self Transformation Therapist for you.

I do one on one coaching from my home in Fareham, or via Zoom, which is on line.

If you are ready, then come on a journey with me, and I will gently guide you to move forward towards a new creative

and empowered YOU! 

 Because when you make that change,

you will be amazed!! 

Important: This may stir up some emotions, which is completely natural. Please be aware that there may be some subconscious fears that will arise, and may try to sabotage you from moving forward towards change. This is also normal, as our subconscious wants to keep us safe, and will keep you away from the unknown. You may get thoughts come up, giving yourself reasons why you shouldn’t change, and everything is fine just the way it is, or, you can do it another time, keeping you limited and stuck, and back to square one. If this does happen message me and I will only be too happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

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