A little bit about me

My name is Kelley Thomas. I am a mum of two beautiful young girls, Faith and Hope, and a wife to a wonderful husband Paul. 

I come from Southampton and moved to Portsmouth in 1999 and am now living in Fareham in the UK. 

I am your Self-Transformation Therapist. My qualifications are; NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy Master Practitioner, Reiki Master Practitioner and a Lotus Chakra Instructor. I have been practicing Reiki since 2012, and NLP and Hypnotherapy since 2016. I feel so blessed, and privileged to be working with people from all walks of life. I feel truly inspired and so passionate about my work, helping people realise their true AMAZINGNESS that each soul has. It truly lights me up to serve beautiful human beings, and for them then to continue their learning and healing with others. 

Each individual person is uniquely beautiful, and has his or her own unique gifts within themselves, that are meant to be shared, seen, heard, expressed, and valued in the world. It is just some have not realised it yet. If you are reading this then the chances are you are ready for a change!

My Story

As a young girl growing up I experienced trauma at a very vulnerable age. I experienced sex abuse, emotional abuse, and first hand witnessed domestic abuse, alcoholism, and drug abuse. I saw things a young child should have never  have seen, or experienced. As a young girl, not knowing how to deal with my emotions, and my feelings, the trauma I experienced got stored energetically in my body, and in my automatic nervous system, as stored  emotional memory. And this stored trauma repeatedly resurfaced, and played out, on a loop, every time I was triggered. Once I was triggered, symptoms would start to present in my body; I would go into fight and flight, I would have a wash over of panic ‘seemingly’ from nowhere, breathlessness (I noticed my breath, taking shorter breaths, as it quickened, and became shallow), I would feel tension in my neck and shoulders, then, the headache would start. I became very reactive and angry.

Then the negative self talk started, the beliefs of distrust, and cynicism of; love can be used against me. I questioned my safety, and security, love, connection, belonging, my esteem, my recognition, worthiness, and lovability. I believed that people respect strength, not weakness. I believed I was broken, and that no one will want to love like that.

I had deep attachement wounding, and the fear of rejection, and abandonment created so much anxiety within me. I had such a strong sensation of; this is why I don’t allow people to get too close, because, it is way too hard, and way too painful. I instantly wanted to shut down, pull away from people, become uncommunicative, and withdraw. Constantly in my head, trying to gain control, and problem solve.

I carried on, day to day, like a normal little girl, seeking joy, fun, laughter, and connection, but unknowingly, I brought this unresolved trauma with me in my everyday experiences. Instead of meeting the world with curiosity and wonder, I had distrust, and questioned everything.

My emotional armour 'metaphorically speaking' was a defence wall. I erected this as a barrier between myself, situations and other people to protect myself from further hurt, and to keeping painful experiences at a minimum due to my past emotional wounds. I was hyper vigilant, and was very choosy with whom I spent time with, and whom I let pass through my wall. I had to know someone for a while before I would even contemplate letting down my wall. And even then I wouldn’t get too involved, still keeping people at arms length. I did this all unknowingly to protect myself 'or so I thought' and ultimately I was sabotaging myself, creating distrust, avoiding a deep, and meaningful connection with others, and more importantly with myself! 

 "I shut myself off from opportunities on a subconscious level."

I shut myself off from opportunities on a subconscious level. I saw life through my altered perception adopting a misrepresentation outlook on life, and the world, no longer properly assessing what was 'actually' happening. My subconscious (wanting to protect me) was very cynical, and often over determined my now 'the present moment' by presenting negative thinking, dread, anxiety, and fear whilst anticipating the worst-case scenario (for the best chance of survival).

My judgment was clouded, I wasn't able to determine what was real or false. My past emotional pains, and hurts influenced my thinking, I had self-limiting beliefs, and disempowering false beliefs due to the story, and narrative I was telling myself. I had a saying that I caught myself saying regularly “DTA” "Don’t Trust Anyone!" Very sad but true! I lacked in confidence, I didn’t value my own self worth, I most definitely had trust issues, and without a doubt it effected how I interacted with other people. 

My emotional wounds caused damage deep within me that had lasting repercussions that were not easily dispelled or forgotten. I found it difficult to move past them as they had impacted me greatly!

The truth was, I was unknowingly motivated by fear, I used avoidance, and unhealthy copping mechanisms, one being alcohol to solve my problems hoping they would go away. Which I later became conscious of, and realised was only keeping me in fear.

I often felt like I wasn’t able to move forward, feeling a heaviness, stuck, and extremely frustrated. I felt like 'damaged goods', lost, alone, sad, distant, and so disconnected. I remember thinking "how did I get to this place again?" I withdrew, went within myself shutting the world out, and feeling deeply unfulfilled.

This unconscious behaviour was so deep it was on a continued feedback loop that I was not aware of, and was in much need of understanding, resolving, and dissolving with compassion and love. 

The truth deep down was I longed for resolution, I wanted to resolve my issues and move past my past traumas. I wanted to heal. I wanted to feel better, and to not feel limited, and scared, living through fear, I wanted to not feel shame, guilt or low self worth. I wanted to find passion, and purpose in life! I wanted to have a life with meaning allowing me to be more present enhancing connection, and to contribute to others! I wanted to discover who I really was, my truth, to ultimately reveal the real me! 


 "I practiced forgiveness and gave myself permission to move forward."

I couldn’t change what I didn’t know. So I started learning about self-development, and educating myself making my own discoveries. I had huge insights and realisations! I became so conscious and aware of myself, and how I was thinking feeling and being. I had to take radical responsibility for my whole being, my life and how I was showing up!! I knew I had to move past my misunderstandings, and acknowledge the illusions 'I was believing to be true' I had to accept fully who I was and where I was in my life. I had to rebuild my relationship with myself introducing unconditional love. 

How could I expect to love deeply if I didn’t even love myself? I practiced forgiveness and gave myself permission to move forward, to let go of the past, all that no longer served me, and open up to new opportunities. To be fully open to receive, and give love, allowing my energy to flow freely moving through blockages. 

I came to understand, we as humans have a need to grow, develop, and accomplish things in life. And it’s our fears, self doubts, and emotional pains, and traumas that are usually linked directly to our insecurities which hold us back, and stop us from achieving what we want. If I hadn’t allowed my wounds to heal and still healing, I would have stayed stuck, and would have been a slave to my fear. I realised that my fears, and past hurts were contributing to my decisions and choices I made, filtering through fear, and lack. I reacted a lot, feeling very misunderstood, feeling so much frustration and anger. This cycle of emotional upset led me to the life I was living feeling very lost and alone. I knew I had to take full responsibility for my life, and change what was needed for better results. I discovered if I kept doing what I had always done, I would have kept getting the same results.

As Tony Robbins say's "If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten"

So now going through my own journey on the quest to find myself. Taking a good hard look at myself discovering how I was showing up, and contributing to my own limited, destructive, and stuck way of being. Having the courage to look deep within me, and do the inner work necessary (and still doing), I now experience such a profound connection within myself that overwhelms me with emotion, I am now able to experience daily events with more depth of meaning, presence awe and connection.

Continuing to work on my own healing, and resolving my own past hurts has helped me to develop my own ability to further deepen my empathy and understanding with myself and others.

I am able to be in a place of non-ego, non-judgment pealing back the layers of conditioning. And the natural consequence of this has been feelings of feeling safe, heard, listened to, and understood, restoring inner balance, and union within. With each layer of conditioning I peal back, and with each realisation (light bulb moment) I have been continually experiencing the feelings of inner newness, a lightness, and freshness in my body. I am now able to have a deeper connection with my loved ones, my family, my friends, and the world around me. 

My new found inner state is now influencing the world around me to reflect what I am experiencing on the 'inside', bringing daily feelings of calm, relax, safety in my body, and growing feelings of much needed Self Love.

I am now able to clearly see and feel my triggers, manage my triggers, understand them, to then uncover a deeper understanding of myself. To resolve my triggers, and dissolve them, naturally letting them go, finding that I am no longer triggered by the same external stimulus that once triggered me.

 My transformation, and breakthroughs has introduced a 'new familiar' of feelings of feeling grounded, peace, knowing, understanding and connectedness. I now experience this state as a way of being (of course I still have my challenging days), but this is now who I am. 

"I (unknowingly) longed for this state of being, and searched for this fulfilment in my external environment."

I (unknowingly) longed for this state of being, and searched for this fulfilment in my external environment.

Now I have discovered my truth, and what my truth 'feels' like in my body, I have really got to know this 'feeling', and it will always be present within me, that I can have access to, at anytime.

When I have a wobble, the feeling of my 'truth' helps me to access the present moment. When the ego steps in, and tries to influence my thinking, and being (this also has a 'feeling', and feels very different from my truth) I just remind myself of who ' I Truly Am', and the feeling comes back again, and I’m back into inner peace, and calm, finding my natural rhythm, and regulation with my nervous system.

For the first time in forever I was not 'reliant' on places, things, people or anything in my external environment to make ME happy.

I am happy from the 'inside' that I now get to share with the world outside of me.

I make ME happy! 

It is such an elevated feeling knowing that I now get to write my very own story shaping my destiny, and my past traumas no longer dictating my future! 

AWESOME feeling!!

By discovering my own unique practice in healing, I can now help guide people from the darkness into the light.

Using my innate knowing and guidance that contributes to my work. Self-Transformation Therapy can help with virtually any aspect of someone’s life, whether it is in his or her personal or professional life. I listen, and provide guidance, and tools to help, and support individuals, to help with understanding, helping to broaden their perspective, and open their mind, and hearts to new opportunities and possibilities.

To help free a person from being stuck, releasing their shackles, feeling trapped due to their way of thinking that may be limiting them. I help to empower an individual to realise their own true self-worth, to believe in themselves realising their true potential. Guiding clients to realise what their true life's purpose is, enabling them to reach what’s hidden deep within revealing their passions, desires, and goals. 

 "You will learn about the power of taking Full Self-responsibility"

I help raise self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth, self-love, and compassion, forgiveness of self, and others, and raising confidence. I help guide an individual to go from where they are to where they want to be.

You will question your beliefs; you will create awareness, and become conscious of why you do what you do.

You will learn how your thinking, words, and language shape the world you live in.

You will peel back the layers, and uncover how your past conditioning is contributing to your life today that is keeping you limited and stuck.

You will discover what triggers you, shine a light on your fears, and face challenges that will create opportunities for growth and development revealing the stepping-stones towards your higher potential. 

You will learn about the power of taking full self-responsibility, 'Taking back your Power’ by opening up to exploring different perspectives.

Dissolve insecure thinking about judgment, and what others think introducing a new way of thinking, feeling and being.

You will learn how to master your emotions instead of your emotions mastering you, so you can make better decisions from a place of clarity and calm, to filter through love instead of having the consequences from making a decision from a place of fear and stress. 

You will gain insights, and learn about the power of acceptance, and forgiveness opening you up to opportunities and your higher energetic frequency.You will learn the importance of self-love, how to tap into your true unconditional love letting go of the ego and self-Judgment.You will gain access to tools that will enable you to communicate, and connect with yourself, and others on a much deeper level. 

Bringing inner peace and fulfilment. 

You will learn the power of letting go. To give yourself permission to let go of ALL that no longer serves you. Enabling you to create space for new and empowering beliefs.

You will uncover your passions, desires and what motivates you. Gaining inspiration, and confidence to take action!

You will re-establish balance within your mind and body realigning your emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and environmental health. 

You will be empowered to sit in your own power! This will enable you to discover your true life’s purpose.

You will have clarity and the confidence to create the life that you have always wanted.

By acknowledging your truth and accepting your 'True Authentic Self', revealing your unique gifts will allow you to move towards your true life’s purpose acquiring significance, balance, self-love, peace, joy, abundance, fulfilment and contribution. 

Leading you to a life that you have always longed for. 

My clients are welcomed into a relaxed safe healing space, using mindfulness, various healing tools and affirmations. All helping to reduce stress, calm the mind and improve overall health and wellbeing of the Mind-Body and Spirit. 

I often use Reiki when I am coaching too, to help my clients relax, as this contributes greatly when I’m gently guiding these amazing individuals to a place of natural deep healing, not just in the Mind but on a Physical and Soul level too. 

This contributes to calming the mind, helping with all emotional aspects. It helps with aligning the heart opening up to receive, bringing about balancing  the mind and body, helping with emotional and physical well-being. Which in turn enhances the quality of our lives. 

My clients are able to connect with themselves and the people they LOVE on a much deeper level using the tools that I teach.

The key aspects to this healing are; Knowledge - I help educate my clients by giving information, and tools to work with because when we know more we are likely to 'take action', and we are more likely to welcome change. 

Environment - I provide a safe, calm healing environment in which my clients receive the healing, so they feel safe and are open to receive the healing. 

All treatments are bespoke and tailored to the individual.

If there is something that you do not like then we can remove it, and if there is something that you do find of benefit, then we can use more of what suits you.

"My mission is to expand and grow to the full depths of my mind body, and soul in this ever-changing, challenging, amazing, beautiful, wondrous world!I continually study and learn, applying all the tools, and healing to myself first, to continue my own growth and development." 

I take you through the unique process that led me to HUGE Breakthroughs and Transformations!

I have experienced higher consciousness and awareness, serenity, daily natural bliss, enlightenment, self love, and now have daily inner peace and calm.

I practice a combination of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, Usui Reiki and Lotus Chakra Healing.

"It is an art, a science and a way of life."

If this is something that is calling to you, then I would love to connect with you,

for you're  FREE no obligation First Insight Call. 

We discuss what areas you feel need addressing, and how I can help you move forward.

If we are a good fit to work together, and I’m the right Self-Transformation Therapist for you. 

If you are ready, then come on a journey with me, and I will gently guide you to move forward towards a new creative and empowered YOU!  

Because when you make that change you will be amazed!! 

"Small Daily Improvements are the Key to Massive Long-term Results, 

It is a Process Not an Event!"

 Live in Love




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