Lotus Chakra Course

Kelley Thomas

Lotus Chakra Instructor

What are Chakras? 

Chakra (also known as wheel) are a series of energy centres within and around our bodies. We have seven main chakras running through the length of our body connected to our glands and organs, from the bottom of the body starting at the Perineum (Root) to the top of the head at the Crown . Some describe these energy centres as "spinning wheels of light". 

As we now know everything in our universe is made up of energy and light, and we communicate (also known as frequency and vibration) through this energy and light without realising it. We send and receive information via energy and light that we can't see but we will feel it in our bodies on some level. (See Reiki for more information on this)

This is where Reiki ties up nicely, healing the body with the universal light energy activating and raising our own energy and light. 

This is why so many people are seeking healing and guidance today, because what was once known "natural health and well-being" listening intuitively to what's within us has become the unknown, and people are no longer aware of how they are feeling or functioning as human being. We have become more focused on our external environment and material things, placing more importance on our external and material things, instead of focusing on within ourselves, and listening to our natural state and way of being. This activates and turns on our stress response within our bodies, and when we don't listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us, we end up missing out on vital information that our bodies are communicating to us. 

And because our bodies are so astonishing, on a daily basis, our bodies are trying to restore and regain balance for our survival.

"Only we can do this, as it is an inside job!"

This is why it is vital  to know more about what's happening on the inside, knowing ourselves better energetically, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Because what's happening outside of us, no person, or thing is not going to give us balance and wholeness.  

Only we can do this, as it is an inside job!

It is when our energy gets stuck or trapped in the body, and the natural flow is disrupted, is when issues in the body will present mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

What can healing the Chakras do for me?  

For optimum health and well-being, and to function at our best, it is important that our energy centres are free flowing and in balance.  We need to allow our energy to flow through and around our bodies as it would naturally. Unknowingly our thinking and our emotions lower our frequency and vibration, energy and light creating a cause and effect, therefore our energy centres become imbalanced and even blocked, reducing and stopping the energy free flowing.  

Due to our thinking and traumatic events in our lives, our energy flow can become disrupted, imbalanced and blocked. When our energy centres become blocked this is when our bodies will give us feedback communicating to us with symptoms in the body, aches, pains, depression, illness and disease. Depending on the symptoms will indicate which energy centres are affected and needing attention. 

"Healing our energy centres will allow you to heal old wounds and resolve health issues." 

What to expect from the Lotus Chakra Course?

This fabulous course devised and written by Ma Prema Chetana is a personal journey to discover how our Chakras affect our body, mind and emotions, our past, present and future. We discover how our Chakras affect our relationships, particularly with our parents and partners. How our ego can be responsible for being over or under weight, and how we view the world. There is so much the Chakras reveal about ourselves and our relationships and together we will restore, rebalance, harmonise and rejuvenate these energy centres, to be more healthy and happy. The knowledge you gain on the course will be useful for the rest of your lives!   

This course is Ideal for therapists; it is a 10-week course of discovery! (Dates to be arranged).


How do I know this is right for me? 

People who have a nagging feeling that something in their life or mind and body is out of balance, or they feel like they are struggling within themselves, and their environment usually find Chakra balancing at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this content could be the sign that your mind and body is ready for healing and growth. 


For Further details;

Please call Kelley on 07891056623 or email: 


(Places are limited)

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